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Tracing My Roots: How the iGENEA DNA Test Enhanced My Understanding of the Surname Reger

Family name Reger

Growing up with the surname Reger, I had always been intrigued by my family's roots and heritage. My curiosity led me to take the iGENEA DNA test, an experience that has deeply impacted my understanding of personal identity and heritage.

H. Reger

Throughout my life, I have always identified myself by the surname Reger, a name that held a rich lineage I could not entirely comprehend. My understanding and perception of personal identity and heritage substantially shifted when I took the iGENEA DNA test. This personal journey revealed my genome's secrets and enhanced my grasp of our family's unique genetic history that extends beyond mere documentation. It has, in a sense, reinforced my sense of belonging and identity, fostering a deep connection to my fern-rooted ancestries and my understanding of the narrative of humanity.

H. Reger

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🧬DNA-ExplorerGenealogy DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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