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Unraveling My Ancestry: A Journey Into The Roots of the Keene Surname Through iGENEA DNA Test

Family name Keene

The iGENEA DNA test I undertook provided fascinating insights into the historical roots of the Keene surname and reshaped my understanding of my origins. Brought face to face with my connection to Celtic and Germanic tribes, Viking warriors, and Jewish Sephardic ancestors, I have come to appreciate the rich tapestry of narratives embedded within my family name and feel a deeper sense of connection to the world.

A. Keene

The results from the iGENEA DNA test I underwent have been nothing short of transformative, entirely reshaping my view of my family history and surname. Prior to the test, I knew the name Keene derived from an old English word for 'bold', but I had minimal understanding of its exact roots. This test filled those gaps, providing me with an intriguing glimpse into my family's distant past.

Plunging into my family roots through iGENEA’s DNA test highlighted our connection to several ancient tribes from Western Europe. I was stunned to discover that the Keene surname traces its roots back to Celtic and Germanic tribes. I discovered ancestors that were longstanding residents of the British Isles, Scandinavia and even parts of Western Europe. Many of them were involved in trade, explorations, and had an incredible sense of community spirit. This newfound historical background gave a profound depth to my surname, making me feel incredibly proud of bearing it.

Furthermore, I learned that my genes carry markers of Viking warriors who may have been part of my lineage. As someone who always had a fascination with Viking culture, this revelation was incredibly exciting and blew my mind.

The test also highlighted the presence of Jewish Sephardic origins in my DNA, which had me rediscovering and appreciating the rich tapestry of Jewish history and their remarkable journey across continents. This deep link to Jewish ancestry stirred up a profound sense of belonging and connection to a group I never knew I was associated with.

Thus, the iGENEA DNA test painted a vivid portrait of my family’s roots that expanded my understanding both of my surname and of myself as an individual. The Keene surname has taken on a whole new meaning for me; it now holds echoes of ancient tribes, Jewish history, and Viking expeditions. Being a Keene has now become an integral part of my identity. With this expanded understanding, I'm even more committed to preserving and passing on our rich and complex family heritage.

Indeed, this journey through my DNA has given me a deeper sense of connection to the world. It's a fascinating realization to understand how lines on a map can be erased by lines of DNA, linking us all to a complex network of shared ancestors and narratives. I am a Keene, yes, but I am also a tiny fragment of a much greater human story.

A. Keene

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🧬DNA-ExplorerGenealogy DNACeltic DNAGermanic DNAViking DNAjewish DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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