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Unraveling Unexpected Ancestral Roots: The Surprises in my Hostetler Surname DNA Test

Family name Hostetler

I began the iGENEA DNA testing journey teeming with curiosity and ended with a greater understanding of my multifarious ancestral roots. I was in for a surprise when I discovered that my Germanic surname 'Hostetler' held traces of Jewish Sephardic and Celtic roots.

C. Hostetler

My iGENEA DNA test arrived at a surprising revelation that left me both bewildered and thrilled. I discovered that my surname 'Hostetler', which I presumed held a purely Germanic lineage, carries traces of Jewish Sephardic ancestry, a historical thread that is oftentimes not openly discussed. Taking this journey through my ancestral roots was like unspooling a novel full of enigmatic passages and thrilling twists. Additionally, intriguing connections to ancient Celtic tribes were uncovered – an unexpected turn about which I was blissfully unaware.

C. Hostetler

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🧬DNA-ExplorerGenealogy DNAGermanic DNAjewish DNACeltic DNADNA of the indigenous peoples

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